traefik-plugin-geoblock is a traefik plugin to allow or block requests based on geolocation
This projects includes IP2Location LITE data available from
pilot:token: "xxxxxxxxx"experimental:plugins:geoblock:moduleName: v0.5.0
http:middlewares:geoblock:plugin:geoblock:# Enable this plugin?enabled: true# Path to ip2location database filedatabaseFilePath: /plugins-local/src/ Whitelist of countries to allow (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)allowedCountries: [ "AT", "CH", "DE" ]# Blocklist of countries to block (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)blockedCountries: [ "RU" ]# Default allow indicates that if an IP is in neither block list nor allow lists, it should be allowed.defaultAllow: false# Allow requests from private / internal networks?allowPrivate: true# HTTP status code to return for disallowed requests (default: 403)disallowedStatusCode: 204# Add CIDR to be whitelisted, even if in a non-allowed countryallowedIPBlocks: [""]# Add CIDR to be blacklisted, even if in an allowed country or IP blockblockedIPBlocks: [""]