Superheader is a plugin for Traefik that adds the necessary headers to responses to help secure web applications.
The headers set are adhere to the recommendations of the OWASP Secure Headers Project
For a plugin to be active for a given Traefik instance, it must be declared in the static configuration.
experimental:plugins:superheader:moduleName: ""version: "v1.0.0"
http:routers:my-router:rule: "Host(``)"entryPoints:- webmiddlewares:- my-middleware # Apply the middleware to the routermiddlewares:superheader:plugin:superheader:x-frame-options: DENYx-dns-prefetch-control: offx-content-type-options: nosniffstrict-transport-security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomainsreferrer-policy: no-referrerx-xss-protection: 1; mode=blockcross-origin-opener-policy: same-origincross-origin-embedder-policy: require-corpcross-origin-resource-policy: same-originorigin-agent-cluster: ?1x-permitted-cross-domain-policies: master-onlyremove-powered-by: on
This example shows you how to load and configure the plugin using the command-line arguments.
traefik \--entryPoints.web.address=:80 \--providers.file.filename=traefik.yml \ \--experimental.plugins.superheader.version=v0.1.0 \--http.middlewares.superheader.plugin.superheader.x-frame-options=DENY \--http.middlewares.superheader.plugin.superheader.x-dns-prefetch-control=off \--http.middlewares.superheader.plugin.superheader.x-content-type-options=nosniff \--http.middlewares.superheader.plugin.superheader.strict-transport-security="max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains" \--http.middlewares.superheader.plugin.superheader.referrer-policy=no-referrer \--http.middlewares.superheader.plugin.superheader.x-xss-protection="1; mode=block" \--http.middlewares.superheader.plugin.superheader.cross-origin-opener-policy=same-origin \--http.middlewares.superheader.plugin.superheader.cross-origin-embedder-policy=require-corp \--http.middlewares.superheader.plugin.superheader.cross-origin-resource-policy=same-origin \--http.middlewares.superheader.plugin.superheader.origin-agent-cluster="?1" \--http.middlewares.superheader.plugin.superheader.x-permitted-cross-domain-policies=master-only \--http.middlewares.superheader.plugin.superheader.remove-powered-by=on
services:traefik:image: traefik:3.3.3ports:- "7080:80"- "9080:8080"command:- --api.dashboard=false- --api.insecure=false- --log.level=DEBUG- --providers.docker=true- --entrypoints.web.address=:80- --entrypoints.websecure.address=:443- --experimental.plugins.superheader.moduleName=mridang/traefik-superheadervolumes:- '/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock'labels:- traefik.enable=true- A sample service that uses the middleware with the defaultsfoo:image: traefik/whoamilabels:- traefik.enable=true-`/foo`)- A sample service that uses the middleware with custom optionsbar:image: traefik/whoamilabels:- traefik.enable=true-`/bar`)- traefik.http.middlewares.superheader.plugin.superheader.x-frame-options="DENY"- A sample service that does not use the middleware at allbaz:image: traefik/whoamilabels:- traefik.enable=true- traefik.http.routers.baz.rule=PathPrefix(`/baz`)- traefik.http.routers.baz.entrypoints=web
The middleware exposes a few options to allow customising the behaviour. To make it harder to misconfigure the plugin all the keys and values are lowercased. All the values are case-insensitive.
This header can be configured by the "x-frame-options" header to control whether
a browser should be allowed to render a page in a <frame>
, <iframe>
, or <object>
The valid values are as follows:
: Prevents any domain from framing the content. (Default)sameorigin
: Allows the same domain to frame the content.For more information, visit: MDN: X-Frame-Options
This header can be configured by the "x-dns-prefetch-control" header to control DNS prefetching.
The valid values are as follows:
: Enables DNS prefetching. (Default)off
: Disables the setting of the headerFor more information, visit: MDN: X-DNS-Prefetch-Control
This header can be configured by the "x-content-type-options" header to tell the browser to not sniff the MIME type of the content.
The valid values are as follows:
: Prevents browsers from attempting to infer the MIME type. (Default)off
: Disables the setting of the headerFor more information, visit: MDN: X-Content-Type-Options
This header can be configured by the "strict-transport-security" header to enforce secure (HTTPS) connections to the server.
The valid values are as follows:
: Enforces HTTPS for the specified duration and includes all subdomains. (Default)off
: Disables the setting of the headerFor more information, visit: MDN: Strict-Transport-Security
This header can be configured by the "referrer-policy" header to control how much referrer information should be included with requests.
The valid values are as follows:
| no-referrer
: No referrer information is sent. (Default)no-referrer-when-downgrade
: Referrer is sent for same-origin requests,
but not for cross-origin requests to HTTP.origin
: Only the origin is sent as the referrer.origin-when-cross-origin
: Sends the full URL as referrer for same-origin
requests and only the origin for cross-origin.same-origin
: Sends the full URL as referrer only for same-origin requests.strict-origin
: Only the origin is sent as referrer for same-origin
: Sends the origin as referrer for
same-origin requests, and the origin for cross-origin requests.unsafe-url
: Always sends the full URL as
: Disables the setting of the headerFor more information, visit: MDN: Referrer-Policy
This header can be configured by the "x-xss-protection" header to enable or disable cross-site scripting (XSS) filters built into most modern browsers.
The valid values are as follows:
: Enables the XSS filter. (Default)block
: Enables the XSS filter and blocks the page if an attack
: Disables the XSS filter.For more information, visit: MDN: X-XSS-Protection
This header can be configured by the "cross-origin-opener-policy" header to control the interaction between the browsing context (window or tab) and other contexts (e.g., windows or tabs from other origins).
The valid values are as follows:
| same-origin
: Only allows interactions with the same-origin windows.unsafe-none
: Allows all interactions with other contexts.same-origin-allow-popups
: Allows same-origin windows to interact with
the opener, but blocks cross-origin ones.noopener-allow-popups
: Allows interaction with popups, but blocks other
: Disables the setting of the headerFor more information, visit: MDN: Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy
This header can be configured by the "cross-origin-embedder-policy" header to control the resources that can be embedded by a document.
The valid values are as follows:
| require-corp
: Requires cross-origin resources to be explicitly marked
as permissive. (Default)unsafe-none
: Allows all cross-origin resources to be embedded.credentialless
: Requires cross-origin resources to allow for credentials
to be
: Disables the setting of the headerFor more information, visit: MDN: Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy
This header can be configured by the "cross-origin-resource-policy" header to control the cross-origin requests that a resource can make.
The valid values are as follows:
| same-origin
: Only allows requests from the same origin. (Default)same-site
: Allows requests from the same site.cross-origin
: Allows all cross-origin
: Disables the setting of the headerFor more information, visit: MDN: Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy
This header can be configured by the "origin-agent-cluster" header to allow for isolating resources by user agent.
The valid values are as follows:
: Enables origin agent
: Disables the setting of the headerFor more information, visit: MDN: Origin-Agent-Cluster
This header can be configured by the "x-permitted-cross-domain-policies" header to control the permissible cross-domain policies.
The valid values are as follows:
: No cross-domain policies are allowed.master-only
: Only the master policy is
: Policies can be defined by content
: Policies can be defined by FTP filename.all
: All cross-domain policies are allowed.none-this-response
: No policies are allowed for the current
: Disables the setting of the headerFor more information, visit: MDN: X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies
The OWASP guidelines recommend the removal of certain headers to prevent information disclosure. This feature can be toggled.
The valid values are as follows:
: Removes the sensitive
: Disabled the removal of headersFor more information, visit: OWASP: Remove Headers
Contributions are welcome! If you find a bug or have suggestions for improvement, please open an issue or submit a pull request.
Apache License 2.0 © 2024 Mridang Agarwalla