/Fossorial Badger

Fossorial Badger


Badger Plugin for Traefik with Pangolin Integration

Badger is a middleware plugin designed to work with the Traefik reverse proxy in conjunction with Pangolin, a multi-tenant tunneled reverse proxy server and management interface with identity and access management. Badger acts as an authentication bouncer, ensuring only authenticated and authorized requests are allowed through the proxy.

This plugin is required to be configured alongside Pangolin to enforce secure authentication and session management.


Learn how to set up Pangolin and Badger in the Pangolin Documentation.


Badger requires the following configuration parameters to be specified in your Traefik configuration file. These coincide with the separate Pangolin configuration file.

Configuration Options

apiBaseUrl: "http://localhost:3001/api/v1"
userSessionCookieName: "p_session_token"
accessTokenQueryParam: "p_token"
resourceSessionRequestParam: "p_session_request"


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.