This plugin allows Traefik users to block access to sensitive files and directories that should not be publicly accessible. Common examples of sensitive files are .env files, .git/ directories, and other configuration or version control files that could expose private data or system vulnerabilities if accessed externally.
It is possible to install the plugin locally or to install it through Traefik Pilot.
This procedure will install the plugin via the Traefik Plugin registry.
Add this configuration in your traefik.yml
experimental:plugins:sensitive-files-blocker:moduleName: ""version: "v0.0.1"
Download the latest release of the plugin and save it to a location the Traefik container can reach.
git clone [email protected]:glefer/sensitive-files-blocker.git
The source code of the plugin should be organized as follows:
└── src
└── glefer
└── sensitive-files-blocker
├── .assets/
├── .github/
├── .gitignore
├── .traefik.yml
├── go.mod
├── main.go
├── main_test.go
├── Makefile
# Static configurationexperimental:localPlugins:sensitive-files-blocker:moduleName:
(In the above example, the sensitive-files-blocker
plugin will be loaded from the path $GOPATH/plugins-local/src/
is not set, plugins-local must be placed at the root of the server.
To run this plugin in a Docker environment, add the following configuration to your compose.yml file to mount plugins-local
directory in the right container path.
services:traefik:image: "traefik:v3.1"container_name: "traefik"ports:- "80:80"- "443:443"volumes:- "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro"- "/path/to/plugins-local/:/plugins-local/"
Here is an example of a file provider dynamic configuration (given here in YAML), where the interesting part is the http.middlewares
# Dynamic configurationhttp:middlewares:sensitive-files-blocker:plugin:sensitive-files-blocker:files:- composer.json- composer.lockfilesRegex:- ^.*\.env$- ^.*\.gitlogs:enabled: falsefilePath: /var/log/sensitive-files-blocker.log
The configuration for the sensitive files blocker includes two main sections: files and filesRegex.
The files section is used to specify exact filenames that should be blocked. These filenames should be an exact match for the files you want to block. For example:
files:- composer.json- composer.lock
In this example, composer.json and composer.lock are exact filenames. Any request to access these files will be blocked.
The filesRegex section is used to specify regular expressions that match the filenames you want to block. This allows you to block a group of files based on a pattern. For example:
filesRegex:- ^.*\.env$- ^.*\.git
In this example, ^.*\.env$
will block any file that ends with .env, and ^.*\.git
will block any file that ends with .git. The ^ symbol represents the start of the filename, the .* allows for any characters in the middle, and the $ symbol represents the end of the filename.
Please note that you need to escape the . character with a backslash (.) because . is a special character in regular expressions that matches any character. If you want to match the . character exactly, you need to escape it.
In the logs section of the Traefik plugin configuration, you can control how logs are handled for the sensitive-files-blocker middleware.
(default: false): This parameter determines whether logging is activated. If set to true, the plugin will log all events related to blocking attempts on sensitive files. If set to false, no logs will be recorded, and log information will be suppressed.filePath
: This parameter specifies the location of the log file where the plugin will write log data when logging is enabled.In order to enable this middleware for all routers, you can add this configuration in the traefik.yml
entryPoints:http:address: ":80"http:middlewares:- sensitive-files-blocker@file
This configuration ensures that any requests going through all routers will have the sensitive file blocker middleware applied.
http:routers:Router-1:rule: "Host(``)"service: "service-1"middlewares:- sensitive-files-blocker@file
services:my-container:# ...labels:- "``)"- ""- ""- "^.env$,^.git"
Configure a template for blocking access to sensitive files:
# Dynamic configurationhttp:middlewares:sensitive-files-blocker:plugin:sensitive-files-blocker:files:# ...template:enabled: truecss: 'body { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; } h1 { color: red; }'html: '<html><head><title>{{ .Title }}</title></head><body><h1>{{ .Title }}</h1><p>{{ .Message }}</p></body></html>'vars:title: 'Access denied'message: 'You are not allowed to access this file.'
To disable templating, set the enabled
field to false
# Dynamic configurationhttp:middlewares:sensitive-files-blocker:plugin:sensitive-files-blocker:files:# ...template:enabled: truecss: 'body { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; } h1 { color: red; }'html: '<html><head><title>{{ .Title }}</title></head><body><h1>{{ .Title }}</h1><p>{{ .Message }}</p></body></html>'vars:title: 'Access denied'message: 'You are not allowed to access this file.'
To run tests, you can use the following command:
make test
To run tests in yaegi mode, you can use the following command:
make yaegi_test
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open issues, submit pull requests, or suggest new features. Testing
This will run all tests defined in main_test.go.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.