Redirect Location is a middleware plugin for Traefik which adds the ability to fix some issues when handling redirect location in combination with path prefixes and the stripPrefix middleware.
If the redirection target is the same host as the request (either a relative path as redirect location or hostname of the redirect location is the same hostname as in the initial request) a stripped path prefix is reatached to the location path (if not already present).
Default handling can be enabled/disabled by config parameter "default".
The plugin also supports the definition and handling of some rewrites. A rewrite consists of a regular expression defining what is replacement and a replacement string.
experimental:plugins:redirectLocation:modulename: ""version: "v0.0.1" #replace with newest version
To configure the plugin you should create a middleware in your dynamic configuration as explained here. The following example creates and uses the redirect location middleware plugin to add the prefix removed by the stripPrefix middleware to the redirect location path:
http:routes:my-router:rule: "Host(`localhost`)"service: "my-service"middlewares :- "stripPrefix, redirectLocation"services:my-service:loadBalancer:servers:- url: ""middlewares:stripPrefix:stripPrefix:prefixes: "foo"redirectLocation:plugin:redirectLocation:default: true
The next example creates and uses the redirect location middleware plugin to modify the scheme in every redirect location from http to https:
http:routes:my-router:rule: "Host(`localhost`)"service: "my-service"middlewares :- "redirectLocation"services:my-service:loadBalancer:servers:- url: ""middlewares:redirectLocation:plugin:redirectLocation:default: falserewrites:- regex: "^http://(.+)$"replacement: "https://$1"
Configuration can also be set via toml or docker labels.