/Azure Active Directory JWT validation

Azure Active Directory JWT validation


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Azure Active Directory JWT validation

This project is a Traefik plugin based on the work of dkijkuit.

This is a Traefik plugin which validates JWT tokens generated by Azure Active Directory and verifies the claims.

Supported properties

keysurlAzure AD Tenant's keys url.stringyes
issuerAllowed token issuer. Values for Azure AD and Azure AD B2C are different.stringyes
audienceAllowed audience(s). Audience can either be a single value or a comma separated list of audiences.stringyes
rolesList of roles to be validated by the plugin.string[]no
matchallrolesFlag to let plugin know if all roles need to be matched to return success.booleanno
loglevelLog level for plugin execution. Defaults to 'WARN' level.

Possible Values: INFO, WARN, DEBUG.
logheadersIf specified, the listed HTTP headers will be added to the logs. Defaults to adding no headers to the logs.

Security Warning: Some headers might contain personal or private data. Please choose the data you log carefully or implement mechanisms to make the data available to the correct audience.

Example configuration

apiVersion: traefik.containo.us/v1alpha1
kind: Middleware
name: azadjwtvalidation
namespace: traefik
keysurl: "https://contoso.b2clogin.com/contoso.onmicrosoft.com/b2c_1_signupsignin1/discovery/v2.0/keys"
issuer: "https://contoso.b2clogin.com/eecc1921-e709-45c6-b5dc-0a92d28ae4b1/v2.0/"
audience: "d304eaf9-e22f-48f5-b3cf-c03dcc5452ff,d14ce77d-5be7-437b-b165-16b57813ec4c"
  • jwt.ms - validate your Azure AD and Azure AD B2C token online