Traefik plugin to proxy requests to Snapt Nova for evaluation against the WAF.
See examples/k8s for a full Kubernetes installation guide.
See examples/docker for a full docker-compose installation guide.
This adds a middleware plugin to Traefik which proxies requests to a Nova container before sending them to your backend. If Nova determines the request should be blocked then it returns a block, otherwise it allows Traefik to continue as it would have.
This requires an AutoJoin key from a Traefik-based ADC you have already added on Nova ( and, naturally, requires that you enable the WAF. You can use learning mode on Nova to see what would be blocked.
Nova is a powerful Layer 7 WAF/WAAP.
Nova's powerful Active Threat System (ATS) quickly identifies and stops bots, scrapers, data leaks, spammers, SQL injections, XSS attacks, denial of service, and much more.
Nova provides a full OWASP 10 protection suite, ensuring your site and apps are PCI compliant and protected from threats, denial of service and abuse.
Centrally manage, deploy and control blacklists, whitelists, rulesets, rate limits and more across all your ADCs (multiple clouds / locations).
Nova automatically mitigates Denial of Service attacks, with AI and ML-driven dynamic adjustments to traffic based on real-time telemetry.
Nova web app firewalls are in constant communication with the Nova Cloud Controller, allowing detailed real-time monitoring and reactions to threats. You can easily monitor threats across multiple clouds, datacenters, and locations.
More than just TCP data, Nova monitors request rates, HTTP error rates, HTTP POSTs, known vulnerable endpoints, response codes, IP threat level and much more to determine the likelihood of a threat in real time.
Nova's ML engine profiles your ADCs and the servers behind them, constructing a pattern of "normal" behavior to identify anomalies. Nova's powerful Active Threat System (ATS) quickly identifies and stops attackers.