Block User-Agent is a middleware plugin for Traefik which sends an HTTP 403 Forbidden
response when the requested HTTP User-Agent header matches one the configured regular expressions.
[pilot]token="xxx"[experimental.plugins.blockuseragent]modulename = ""version = "vX.Y.Z"
To configure the Block User-Agent
plugin you should create a middleware in
your dynamic configuration as explained here. The following example creates
and uses the blockuseragent
middleware plugin to block all HTTP requests with a User-Agent like \bTheAgent\b
You can use regexAllow to make exception on blocking regex.
[http.routers][]rule = "Host(`localhost`)"middlewares = ["block-foo"]service = "my-service"# Block all user agent containing TheAgent except if containing Allowed word[http.middlewares][http.middlewares.block-foo.plugin.blockuseragent]regexAllow = ["\bAllowed\b"]regex = ["\bTheAgent\b"][][][][[]]url = ""