Simple plugin for Traefik to block request based on their country of origin. Uses
Sample configuration in Traefik.
level: INFO
allowLocalRequests: true
logLocalRequests: false
logAllowedRequests: false
logApiRequests: true
api: "{ip}"
apiTimeoutMs: 750 # optional
cacheSize: 15
forceMonthlyUpdate: true
allowUnknownCountries: false
unknownCountryApiResponse: nil
- CH
version: "3.7"
image: traefik
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
- /docker/config/traefik/traefik.yml:/etc/traefik/traefik.yml
- /docker/config/traefik/dynamic-configuration.yml:/etc/traefik/dynamic-configuration.yml
- /plugin/GeoBlock:/plugins-local/src/
- "80:80"
image: containous/whoami
- traefik.enable=true
- traefik.http.routers.hello.entrypoints=http
- traefik.http.routers.hello.rule=Host(`hello.localhost`)
- traefik.http.routers.hello.middlewares=my-plugin@file
: If set to true, will not block request from Private IP RangeslogLocalRequests
: If set to true, will log every connection from any IP in the private IP rangeapi
: API URI used for querying the country associated with the connecting IPcountries
: list of allowed countriesmy-GeoBlock:
allowLocalRequests: false
logLocalRequests: false
logAllowedRequests: false
logApiRequests: false
api: "{ip}"
apiTimeoutMs: 750 # optional
cacheSize: 15
forceMonthlyUpdate: false
allowUnknownCountries: false
unknownCountryApiResponse: "nil"
- AF # Afghanistan
- AL # Albania
- DZ # Algeria
- AS # American Samoa
- AD # Andorra
- AO # Angola
- AI # Anguilla
- AQ # Antarctica
- AG # Antigua and Barbuda
- AR # Argentina
- AM # Armenia
- AW # Aruba
- AU # Australia
- AT # Austria
- AZ # Azerbaijan
- BS # Bahamas (the)
- BH # Bahrain
- BD # Bangladesh
- BB # Barbados
- BY # Belarus
- BE # Belgium
- BZ # Belize
- BJ # Benin
- BM # Bermuda
- BT # Bhutan
- BO # Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
- BQ # Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba
- BA # Bosnia and Herzegovina
- BW # Botswana
- BV # Bouvet Island
- BR # Brazil
- IO # British Indian Ocean Territory (the)
- BN # Brunei Darussalam
- BG # Bulgaria
- BF # Burkina Faso
- BI # Burundi
- CV # Cabo Verde
- KH # Cambodia
- CM # Cameroon
- CA # Canada
- KY # Cayman Islands (the)
- CF # Central African Republic (the)
- TD # Chad
- CL # Chile
- CN # China
- CX # Christmas Island
- CC # Cocos (Keeling) Islands (the)
- CO # Colombia
- KM # Comoros (the)
- CD # Congo (the Democratic Republic of the)
- CG # Congo (the)
- CK # Cook Islands (the)
- CR # Costa Rica
- HR # Croatia
- CU # Cuba
- CW # Curaçao
- CY # Cyprus
- CZ # Czechia
- CI # Côte d'Ivoire
- DK # Denmark
- DJ # Djibouti
- DM # Dominica
- DO # Dominican Republic (the)
- EC # Ecuador
- EG # Egypt
- SV # El Salvador
- GQ # Equatorial Guinea
- ER # Eritrea
- EE # Estonia
- SZ # Eswatini
- ET # Ethiopia
- FK # Falkland Islands (the) [Malvinas]
- FO # Faroe Islands (the)
- FJ # Fiji
- FI # Finland
- FR # France
- GF # French Guiana
- PF # French Polynesia
- TF # French Southern Territories (the)
- GA # Gabon
- GM # Gambia (the)
- GE # Georgia
- DE # Germany
- GH # Ghana
- GI # Gibraltar
- GR # Greece
- GL # Greenland
- GD # Grenada
- GP # Guadeloupe
- GU # Guam
- GT # Guatemala
- GG # Guernsey
- GN # Guinea
- GW # Guinea-Bissau
- GY # Guyana
- HT # Haiti
- HM # Heard Island and McDonald Islands
- VA # Holy See (the)
- HN # Honduras
- HK # Hong Kong
- HU # Hungary
- IS # Iceland
- IN # India
- ID # Indonesia
- IR # Iran (Islamic Republic of)
- IQ # Iraq
- IE # Ireland
- IM # Isle of Man
- IL # Israel
- IT # Italy
- JM # Jamaica
- JP # Japan
- JE # Jersey
- JO # Jordan
- KZ # Kazakhstan
- KE # Kenya
- KI # Kiribati
- KP # Korea (the Democratic People's Republic of)
- KR # Korea (the Republic of)
- KW # Kuwait
- KG # Kyrgyzstan
- LA # Lao People's Democratic Republic (the)
- LV # Latvia
- LB # Lebanon
- LS # Lesotho
- LR # Liberia
- LY # Libya
- LI # Liechtenstein
- LT # Lithuania
- LU # Luxembourg
- MO # Macao
- MG # Madagascar
- MW # Malawi
- MY # Malaysia
- MV # Maldives
- ML # Mali
- MT # Malta
- MH # Marshall Islands (the)
- MQ # Martinique
- MR # Mauritania
- MU # Mauritius
- YT # Mayotte
- MX # Mexico
- FM # Micronesia (Federated States of)
- MD # Moldova (the Republic of)
- MC # Monaco
- MN # Mongolia
- ME # Montenegro
- MS # Montserrat
- MA # Morocco
- MZ # Mozambique
- MM # Myanmar
- NA # Namibia
- NR # Nauru
- NP # Nepal
- NL # Netherlands (the)
- NC # New Caledonia
- NZ # New Zealand
- NI # Nicaragua
- NE # Niger (the)
- NG # Nigeria
- NU # Niue
- NF # Norfolk Island
- MP # Northern Mariana Islands (the)
- NO # Norway
- OM # Oman
- PK # Pakistan
- PW # Palau
- PS # Palestine, State of
- PA # Panama
- PG # Papua New Guinea
- PY # Paraguay
- PE # Peru
- PH # Philippines (the)
- PN # Pitcairn
- PL # Poland
- PT # Portugal
- PR # Puerto Rico
- QA # Qatar
- MK # Republic of North Macedonia
- RO # Romania
- RU # Russian Federation (the)
- RW # Rwanda
- RE # Réunion
- BL # Saint Barthélemy
- SH # Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
- KN # Saint Kitts and Nevis
- LC # Saint Lucia
- MF # Saint Martin (French part)
- PM # Saint Pierre and Miquelon
- VC # Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- WS # Samoa
- SM # San Marino
- ST # Sao Tome and Principe
- SA # Saudi Arabia
- SN # Senegal
- RS # Serbia
- SC # Seychelles
- SL # Sierra Leone
- SG # Singapore
- SX # Sint Maarten (Dutch part)
- SK # Slovakia
- SI # Slovenia
- SB # Solomon Islands
- SO # Somalia
- ZA # South Africa
- GS # South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
- SS # South Sudan
- ES # Spain
- LK # Sri Lanka
- SD # Sudan (the)
- SR # Suriname
- SJ # Svalbard and Jan Mayen
- SE # Sweden
- CH # Switzerland
- SY # Syrian Arab Republic
- TW # Taiwan (Province of China)
- TJ # Tajikistan
- TZ # Tanzania, United Republic of
- TH # Thailand
- TL # Timor-Leste
- TG # Togo
- TK # Tokelau
- TO # Tonga
- TT # Trinidad and Tobago
- TN # Tunisia
- TR # Turkey
- TM # Turkmenistan
- TC # Turks and Caicos Islands (the)
- TV # Tuvalu
- UG # Uganda
- UA # Ukraine
- AE # United Arab Emirates (the)
- GB # United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)
- UM # United States Minor Outlying Islands (the)
- US # United States of America (the)
- UY # Uruguay
- UZ # Uzbekistan
- VU # Vanuatu
- VE # Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
- VN # Viet Nam
- VG # Virgin Islands (British)
- VI # Virgin Islands (U.S.)
- WF # Wallis and Futuna
- EH # Western Sahara
- YE # Yemen
- ZM # Zambia
- ZW # Zimbabwe
- AX # Åland Islands
If set to true, will not block request from Private IP Ranges.
If set to true, will show a log message when some one accesses the service over a private ip address.
If set to true, will show a log message with the IP and the country of origin if a request is allowed.
If set to true, will show a log message for every API hit.
Defines the API URL for the IP to Country resolution. The IP to fetch can be added with {ip}
to the URL.
Timeout for the call to the api uri.
Defines the max size of the LRU (least recently used) cache.
Even if an IP stays in the cache for a period of a month (about 30 x 24 hours), it must be fetch again after a month.
Some IP addresses have no country associated with them. If this option is set to true, all IPs with no associated country are also allowed.
The API uri can be customized. This options allows to customize the response string of the API when a IP with no associated country is requested.
A list of country codes from which connections to the service should be allowed