This plugin allows you to define rules to add, remove or modify request headers based on the URI. It also allows to reproduce the behavior of the apache mod_expires for the definition of a validity period of the resource.
)pilot:token: [REDACTED]experimental:plugins:traefik-plugin-header:moduleName: [PLUGIN_VERSION]
http:routers:my-router:rule: Host(``)service: my-siteentryPoints:- httpmiddlewares:- traefik-plugin-headersservices:my-site:loadBalancer:servers:- url: headerChange:header: 'header-to-delete'req: trueaction: 'unset'rules:- rule:name: 'Only for png or js'regexp: '(png|js)$'responseHeaders:Expires:value: '@DT_ADD#86400@'action: 'set'- rule:name: 'If no rules match'regexp: 'NO_MATCH'requestHeaders:header-to-delete:action: 'unset'
The plugin expects a list of rules
with for each of them:
The rules are tested and applied in the order of declaration in the configuration. If several rules modify the same header, it will take the value of the last rule declared in the configuration.
It is possible to specify the value "NO_MATCH
" (case sensitive) in the regexp attribute. The rule will only be applied if no other rule has been applied before the NO_MATCH
is encountered, then the rule evaluation will continue.
If several NO_MATCH
rules are defined, only the first one will have a chance to be executed, the others will be useless (either a rule will have already been applied, or the 1st NO_MATCH
will have been applied, which will prevent the execution of a 2nd NO_MATCH
in any case)
and responseHeaders
will receive the map of headers
to modify with the expected actions
For each header, the following attributes can be defined:
indicating the value to modify in the header (only for edit
, unset
, edit
, append
- Add or Replace headerThe set
action allows to add the header
by giving it the indicated value
. If the header
already exists, its value will be replaced by the new one. (header
name is case insensitive).
#Example- rule:name: 'Set X-foo=bar Header to js requests'regexp: '\.js$'requestHeaders:X-foo:value: 'bar'action: 'set'
The X-foo=bar
header will be added to requests ending in .js. If the X-foo
header already exists with another value, it will be overwritten by the new value: bar
- delete selected headerThe unset
action will delete the header
. (header
name is case insensitive).
#Example- rule:name: 'Unset X-foo Header to js requests'regexp: '\.js$'requestHeaders:X-foo:action: 'unset'
The X-foo
header will be deleted to requests ending in .js. If the X-foo
header did not exist, the rule will have no effect and will be ignored.
- Modify content of selected headerthe edit
action will modify the content of header
based on regexp evaluation. (header
is case insensitive.).
Basically, the following actions will be executed:
does not already exist, it will be added with value
already exists:
match, it will be replaced by value
without any other changevalue
content will be added to the existing header#Example- rule:name: 'edit Cache-Control Header to js requests'regexp: '\.js$'requestHeaders:Cache-Control:value: 'max-age=1000'replace: 'max-age=[0-9]+'action: 'edit'
If Cache-Control
did not exist, it will be created with the value max-age=1000
. If Cache-Control
existed with the value no-cache
, the value max-age=1000
will be added. If Cache-Control
existed with the value no-cache, max-age=0, must-revalidate
, the value will be changed to no-cache, max-age=1000, must-revalidate
- add value to selected headerthe append
action will add the value
attribute to the header
. (header
is case insensitive). If the header
was not existing, it will be added.
#Example- rule:name: 'Append X-foo=bar Header to js requests'regexp: '\.js$'requestHeaders:X-foo:value: 'bar'action: 'append'
The X-foo=bar
header will be added to requests ending in .js. If the X-foo
header already exists with another value, new value will be added without any change on existing one.
Whatever the action (except unset
), it is possible to add a replacement sequence in the value
attribute. This sequence allows to calculate a date in the future. The sequence will be replaced by the date in http format. This is particularly interesting if you want to reproduce the behavior of the mod_expires of the Apache httpd server
#Example- rule:name: 'Set Expires in 1 day on js query'regexp: '\.js$'requestHeaders:Expires:value: '@DT_ADD#86400@'action: 'set'
Sequence is construct with @DT_ADD#xxx@ with xxx
the number of seconds to add to the time it will be when the request is processed.
If the above request is executed on April 10, 2021 at 10:42:00, the folowwing header will be set to the response (as 86400 seconds equals to 1 day)
Expires: Sun, 11 Apr 2021 10:42:00 GMT
If sequence is surround with other text values, only sequence will be replaced by the plugin. if We are @DT_ADD#86400@ - have a nice day!
is used as value
, result header will be: We are Sun, 11 Apr 2021 10:42:00 GMT - have a nice day!
For each query, all the rules will be tested. The addition of a very large number of rules can therefore have a negative impact on the response time of requests
The different rules will be evaluated in the order in which they are defined, as will the header changes. Several rules can be applied successively to the same request.
rule will only be applied if no rule has been used before on request.
The HTTP standard indicates that it is possible to assign several values to the same header. To do this, you must either define the header and place all the values by separating them with a comma (MyHeader=val1, Val2 ...
), or by declaring the header several times (MyHeader=val1
and MyHeader=val2
). The two notations are equivalent and the plugin uses the second one.