


Traefik Plugin - Bridge

Work In Progress

BINARY mode still not implemented

Write middlewares with you preferred languages!

PHP, Python, NodeJS or more - it does not matter!

The Bridge plugin allows make requests to your services.

You can

  • get the request data
    • headers
    • remote address
    • method
    • uri
  • modify the request
    • add request headers
    • remote request headers
    • add response headers
    • interrupt the request with custom body and status code

Usage example

  1. Run logserver (github) as backend for logging requests (or any you prefer software)
docker run --rm -p 2000:2000 negasus/logserver
  1. Run our service for listen the middleware and modify the request
go run ./test/http
  1. Run the Traefik with a plugin configuration:
address: ''
  1. Send request to the Traefik
# in my case the Traefik is listen 8000 port

curl http://localhost:8000 
  1. Check logserver output
----------[ 1 ]----------
2020-09-06 17:33:29.3858593 +0000 UTC m=+172.295935301
[] GET /

Host: localhost:8000
Content-Length: 0
User-Agent: Middleware!             <----- It's work!
Accept: */*
X-Forwarded-Host: localhost:8000
X-Forwarded-Port: 8000
X-Forwarded-Proto: http
X-Forwarded-Server: notebook
Accept-Encoding: gzip


protocol: 'HTTP' or 'BINARY'. Default 'HTTP'
address: Address of your service. Default ''
timeout: Request timeout to your service, ms. Default '500'
fail_strategy: Strategy on fail request to your service. Default 'PASS'
    - headers: bool. Send request headers to your service. Default 'true'
    - remote_address: bool. Send remote address to your service. Default 'true'
    - method: bool. Send http method to your service. Default 'true'
    - uri: bool. Send URI method to your service. Default 'true'


type Request struct {
	Headers    map[string][]string `json:"1,omitempty"`
	RemoteAddr string              `json:"2,omitempty"`
	Method     string              `json:"3,omitempty"`
	RequestURI string              `json:"4,omitempty"`


type Response struct {
	AddRequestHeaders    map[string]string         `json:"1,omitempty"`
	AddResponseHeaders   map[string]string         `json:"2,omitempty"`
	DeleteRequestHeaders []string                  `json:"3,omitempty"`
	InterruptRequest     *ResponseInterruptRequest `json:"4,omitempty"`

type ResponseInterruptRequest struct {
	ResponseCode int    `json:"1,omitempty"`
	Body         string `json:"2,omitempty"`

Probable Roadmap

  • implementation for the BINARY mode
  • full documentation
  • check the response status from the customer service
  • multiple connections to services
  • circuit breaker